file:2013 05 08 鄧麗君 演唱會現場錄音版(2 K2HD)(首批限量版)A.jpg file:CD 2 再見!我的愛人演唱會現場實錄.log file:15 海韻.wav file:14 再見!我的愛人.wav file:07 燒肉粽(福建).wav file:06 我一見你就笑.wav file:13 路邊的野花不要採.wav file:09 Jambalaya(英語).wav file:08 More Than I Can Say(英語).wav
file:2013 08 08 Noye's Fludde(K2HD)(首批限量編號版)B.jpg file:15 They laid him on the deck.wav file:14 Casting his clothes off he dived into the sea.wav file:13 Then up spake the cabin-boy.wav file:12 There was a ship came from the North Country.wav file:11 The spacious firmament on high.wav file:10 Noye,heare I behette thee a heste.wav file:09 Noye,take thy wife anone.wav file:08 Now forty dayes are fullie gone.wav file:07 Ha!Children,me thinkes my botte removes.wav file:06 Wiffe,come in!why standes thou their?.wav file:05 Noye,Noye,take thou thy company.wav file:04 Now in the name of God I will begyne.wav file:03 Have done,you men and wemen all.wav file:02 I God,that all this worlde hath wroughte.wav file:01 Lord Jesus,think on me.wav
file:2013 08 08 SOGNO(K2HD)(首批限量編號版)B.jpg file:14 A MIO PADRE(6 Maggio 1992).wav file:13 COME UN FIUME TU.wav file:12 UN CANTO.wav file:11 I LOVE ROSSINI.wav file:10 TREMO E T'AMO.wav file:09 NEL CUORE LEI(with Eros Ramazzotti).wav file:08 IMMENSO.wav file:07 MAI PIU' COSI' LONTANO.wav file:05 A VOLTE IL CUORE.wav file:04 'O MARE E TU(with Dulce Pontes).wav file:03 SOGNO(Dream).wav file:02 THE PRAYER(with Celine Dion).wav file:01 CANTO DELLA TERRA.wav