file:【邓广铭 主编】中国历史研究知识手册(河南人民出版社1990).pdf file:邓广铭全集第五卷.pdf
file:续资治通鉴长编拾补(全4册).[清]黄以周等辑注.顧吉辰點校.中华书局.2004年版.pdf file:34续资治通鉴长编·第三四册.卷五〇四至卷五二〇.djvu
file:边疆与民族——历史断面研考_10224817.pdf file:北部边疆民族史研究(下).pdf file:边疆民族历史与文物考论_11417345.pdf file:[苏]C.克里亚什托内 古代突厥鲁尼文碑铭—中亚细亚史原始文献(边疆史地丛书)黑龙江教育出版社1991.pdf file:二十世纪的中国边疆研究——一门发展中的边缘学科的演进历程.pdf file:历史与民族——中国边疆的政治、社会和文化.pdf
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file:Richard Simkin's Uniforms of the British Army The Cavalry Regiments.pdf file:Medieval Military Dress 1066-1500.pdf file:The Story of Knights and Armor.pdf file:British Napoleonic Uniforms The First Complete Illustrated Guide to Uniforms, Facings and Lace.pdf file:The British Army Cloth or ''Fatigue'' Caps (18th Century Material Culture).pdf file:The British Army Clothing & Badges of Rank.pdf file:Ceux qui bravaient l'Aigle Patrice Courcelle (Les Planches de la Belle Alliance №2).pdf file:Fighting Men and Their Uniforms.pdf file:Uniforms of the Worlds Police.pdf file:Basic-Armouring-A-Practical-Introduction-to-Armour-Making-Paul-Blackwell.pdf file:Military Headdress A Pictorial History of Military Headgear from 1660 to 1914.pdf file:An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Uniforms of the Napoleonic Wars.pdf file:A History of the Uniforms of the British Army Volume 5.pdf file:Union Army Uniforms at Gettysburg.pdf file:Don Troiani's Soldiers in America 1754-1865.pdf file:World Uniforms in Colour (1).The European Nations.pdf file:Army Uniforms Since 1945.pdf file:Battledress The Uniforms of the World's Great Armies 1700 to the present.pdf file:The Great Northern War 1700-1721 v2.Swedish Allies And Enemies - Colours and Uniforms.pdf file:Techniques-of-Medieval-Armour-Reproduction.pdf file:Armor.pdf file:The Knight and the Blast Furnace A History of the Metallurgy of Armour in the Middle Ages.pdf file:The Highland Light Infantry.The uniforms of the Regiment 1881 to 1914.pdf file:Khaki.Uniforms of the Canadian Expeditionary Force.pdf